Curriculum Projects
From Latest
Santorini board game adaptation
Rush - Santorini
Another 48 hours rush project, this time with Abstract Game theme. We ended up implementing basic version of popular board game Santorini.
Written in C with help of ncurses library.
Wordle clone ready.
Rush - Wordle
Hive’s new project type Rush - innovative, less constrained and ephemeral. It takes over the course of 48 hours. This time with the theme of Wordle.
Wordle hype and 3Brown1Blue’s video inspired project aims at creation of wordle assistant and player. We additionally cloned the game for testing purposes. Done in Rust <3.
Simple linear regression plot
Linear Regression
ft_linear_regression is an intro to the machine learning and AI world. The aim is to understand this simple approach in data predictions, model training and gradient descent.
Virtual Machine in action
This project involves creating a virtual arena, and having simplistic-language programs fight each other. It involves getting familiar with VM concept (with the instructions it recognises, the registers, etc.) and compilation problems of an assembly language in bytecode.
Ant Colony
Max Flow graph problem solution simulated with help of an ant farm. The implementation used Ford-Fulkerson algorithm which has satisfactory efficiency and speed.
Sorting Stacks
Introduction to sorting algorithms. Solution was a mixture of quicksort and insertsort.
Visualization credits ntoniolo
The aim of this project was to code an algorithmic program that could play a game of filler. Goal of the game is to place more tokens than the opponent. Tokens are random and distributed by the "referee" program called filler_vm. The given token can be placed only so it's attached to player's already existing shape in such manner that one and only one tile is shared (placed over). If either player cannot place the given token, the game ends.
ft_printf implementation hub
Re-code of everyone’s favorite stdio::printf.
Picture credits
The goal of this project is to fit given tetriminoes (1 to 26 of them) into smallest possible square without rotation and with order preference. The appearance order preference forces into use of recursion, which results in slow output times for 13 tetriminoes and more.
Introduction to DevOps, setting up a virtual machine.
Used non-gui Debian.
File line by line reading function. Introduction to IO.
Currently part of Libft.
Re-code of C standard library essential functions and more. This library serves as a base for almost all of my Hive projects.